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Since they’ve been around, we’ve always run submissions for The Mighty Lighthouse and Signal Return through a discord server, but we’ve been finding that to be far too restrictive lately for many reasons. SO WE’RE CHANGIN’ THINGS UP!

Our good friend MoxieFamous has set up a NAS server with a generic login that you can use to upload your stuff. If you go on there, please read the SUBMISSION GUIDE.txt on the desktop so you can know how to save/name your files appropriately so that we will actually look at them.


Username: SUBMIT

Password: TML_SIGRET

ALSO! If you would like to get email updates about the Zine/Sigret (such as, when the physical editions go on sale, and when the digital editions are made available) – go ahead and stick your email address into this form. https://forms.gle/PCrAydBZ9TEexmCbA

You can also put your email address in the second question of that form if you’re interested in submitting to upcoming Community Live events, like the cronacasts, subtv, and whatever bullshit we think of next.

Ok, bye now.